It is always embarrassing to have all the eye make up smudged over my eyes that I ended up looking like a:
Haha! Okie, that is overly cute. But looking like a human panda is totally not cute at all.
A year ago, I researched on which eye primer to use to help solve the oily lid panda problem.
Basically, eye primer sets your eye make up and helps it satay longer, stops the creasing/smudging and helps brighten up the eye colours.
One of the top eye primers that are highly recommended is:
One of the top eye primers that are highly recommended is:
Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer Potion
They come in easy to squeeze tube, where you can just squeeze a tiny droplet of "potion" to make wonders to your eyes.
There are 4 fancifully named colours available:
- Original (nude invisible)
- Sin (champagne shimmer)
- Eden (nude matte)
- Greed (shimmering yellow gold)
I bought the Champagne shimmer from Sephora Singapore. It is pretty expensive for a small tube that contains 11ml of "potion". It costs about S$30++. (sorry, can't rmb the price) But I think all good primers are that expensive. Maybe can try to purchase online in future.
What I love:
- The anti smudging effect really works despite my oily lids! (panda no more!)
- Shimmering gold allows me to do away with eye shadow when I am lazy
- It is non sticky and helps to 衬托 (brightens) my eye make up
- Easy to control the amount you need by squeezing as the tip is really small
- A small amount as shown in my picture above, is sufficient for both eyes!
Absolutely nothing to hate about. Gonna buy again when I finish this tube!
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